Life*Vest Poetry Slam + Open Mic
Every third Friday, once a month at Richmond Hood Co. // 827 Castleton Ave, SINY
Every third Friday of the month, NYSAI Press teams up with Life*vest Poetry to host this open mic slam poetry series. Our BYOB poetry events are proudly held at:
Richmond Hood Co.
827 Castleton Avenue
Staten Island, NY 10301
Sign-up is at 8pm
Battle begins at 8:45pm
Due to COVID-19, this indoor slam has been suspended. For the most up-to-date information regarding our virtual and outdoor events, visit our Facebook.
SIZL: Zine-Making Workshops
The Staten Island Zine League (SIZL) is a collaboration between artist Maggie Buford, MakerSpace NYC, and NYSAI Press to present regular zine workshops for local artists, writers, poets, and budding creatives in preparation for the Staten Island Zine Fest—coming to MakerSpace Park on September 15th.
Workshops will be facilitated by rotating local Staten Island artists to help attendees learn about creating their first zines, designing layouts, and more. Prompts will be provided to workshop attendees so they can contribute. These zines will be compiled and then published to be sold at SIZL's inaugural Zine Fest – a day of zines, comics, readings, small press, and more where locals can buy, sell, and trade ephemera.
Zinesters, artists, and crafters are welcome to apply for a table at the fair:

Poetry Workshop Series
Contact for more info
This poetry workshop, hosted by members of NYSAI, is available to all—the only thing you'll need is paper and a writing implement.
This is a generative workshop and will focus on writing new material, but you're welcome to bring poems to workshop if time allows.
If you want to workshop your poems among friends, email for more information.